Friday, February 4, 2011



What ever happened to the sunny South?   January in Dixie has been a series of snow events.  I know we might sound a bit wimpy to our friends a little further North who are measuring their snow by the feet to our four or five inches, but for us this is major!

The last one, it was the fourth day before the rural roads to the farm were clear.  We here on the farm believe in traditional methods, so each day, just like Noah, we sent Meow our resident house cat, out for a cat scan to see if conditions were improved enough for travel. 

Observing Meow every morning as she went out to take care of business around 6:am, we noted it took several tries to find a spot to dig a hole in.  Thus meaning since the road was pretty much like the yard we were still iced in.  Finally on the fourth morning she nailed it on the first try and we knew all was clear.

You may think Meow is a strange name for a cat, but then a lot about Meow is strange.  She? was named thus so because when she first showed up on our door step and adopted us she sounded like the Purina Cat Chow commercial meow...meow...meow each time a paw hit the floor.

Living on a farm does not always mean you are qualified to identify the gender anatomically of every animal, as we embarrassingly discovered.  When Meow first came she was subjected to the same examination as all the animals that show up on our door step to try to determine age, gender and state of health.  We decided Meow was a she.

A few years down the road on a visit to the vet., trying to be informative and useful, he was warned that she had an attitude.  He informed us she was a he who had at some point in life had surgery removing important parts needed for identifying gender, and upon being called a she for so many years he too probably would have an attitude.

To a serious note.......
Even though it is sleeting outside, here is hoping for a February of 60's or 70's, an early Spring, and no more snow......enough is enough.


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