Tuesday, March 8, 2011


             He clasps the crag with hooked hands,
             Close to the sun in lonely lands,
             Ringed with the azure world, he stands.
                    Alfred Lord Tennyson                   

A few years ago our community was honored by two revered sojourners electing to adopt us for their home, two bald eagles.  Although they have been around long enough to hatch off at leat one eaglet there are some who are just now discovering their presence.

Reactions to a first encounter has been at first disbelief, since it has been a long time, if ever, of their presence here.  The second reaction, of being given an audience with a king, and the feeling of being incredibly lucky to be living in a place where taking a drive or a morning walk you can experience such a wonder.  The third reaction........ Wow!  You want to go door to door, or pick up the phone and call ever one you ever knew and tell them.

For those lucky enough for a sighting they have been described as, magnificent, breathtaking, beautiful, spellbinding, and on and on, bringing the question to mind, does Webster have enough words to paint the picture the eyes see or the heart feels.

Check out our web page http://www.froggmountainwildlifehabitat/ for more.